Angular Material components depend on system variables defined as CSS variables through the material.theme Sass mixin. This page provides guidance and documentation for using these variables to customize components.


Material Design uses color to create accessible, personal color schemes that communicate your product's hierarchy, state, and brand. See Material Design's Color System page to learn more about its use and purpose.

The following colors are the most often used in Angular Material components. Use these colors and follow their uses to add theme colors to your application's custom components.


The most common color used by Angular Material components to participate in the application theme.

Examples include the background color of filled buttons, the icon color of selected radio buttons, and the outline color of form fields.

Use the color --mat-sys-on-primary for icons, text, and other visual elements placed on a primary background. This color is calculated to be optimal for accessibility and legibility.


A low-emphasis background color that provides a clear contrast for both light and dark themes and their varied theme colors.

Examples include the background color of the application and most components such as the dialog, card, table, and more.

Use the color --mat-sys-on-surface for icons, text, and other visual elements placed on a surface background. This color is calculated to be optimal for accessibility and legibility.


High-contrast color meant to alert the user to attract immediate attention.

Examples include the background color of the badge and the text color of invalid form fields inputs.

Use the color --mat-sys-on-error for icons, text, and other visual elements placed on an error background. This color is calculated to be optimal for accessibility and legibility.


Used for borders and dividers to help provide visual separation between and around elements.

Examples include the color of the divider and border color of an outlined form field.

Use the color --mat-sys-outline-variant for a less prominent outline.

These colors are less commonly used in Angular Material components but are available for adding color variety and creating additional emphasis to components.

Colors may be paired with a --mat-sys-on- variable that should be used for text and icons placed within a filled container.

Alternative Theme Colors

Primary Container
Secondary Container
Tertiary Container
Error Container

Surface Colors

The following colors should be used for backgrounds and large, low-emphasis areas of the screen.

Containers filled with a surface color should apply the --mat-sys-on-surface color to text and icons placed within.

Surface Dim
Surface Bright
Surface Container Lowest
Surface Container Low
Surface Container
Surface Container High
Surface Container Highest

Fixed Colors

These colors are the same for both light and dark themes. They are unused by any Angular Material components.

Primary Fixed
Primary Fixed Dim
Secondary Fixed
Secondary Fixed Dim
Tertiary Fixed
Tertiary Fixed Dim


There are five categories of font types defined by Material Design: body, display, headline, label, and title. Each category has three sizes: small, medium, and large.

Learn more about how these categories and their sizes should be used in your application by visiting Material Design's Typography documentation.

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Each system variable can be applied to the "font" CSS style. Additionally, the parts of the variable definition can be accessed individually by appending the keywords "font", "line-height", "size", "tracking", and "weight".

For example, the values for medium body text may be defined as follows:

--mat-sys-body-medium: 400 0.875rem / 1.25rem Roboto, sans-serif;
--mat-sys-body-medium-font: Roboto, sans-serif;
--mat-sys-body-medium-line-height: 1.25rem;
--mat-sys-body-medium-size: 0.875rem;
--mat-sys-body-medium-tracking: 0.016rem;
--mat-sys-body-medium-weight: 400;


Material Design provides six levels of elevation that can be used to provide a sense of depth and organization to an application's UI. Learn more at Material Design's Elevation guide.

These levels are defined as CSS box-shadow values that can be styled to an element.

box-shadow: var(--mat-sys-level0)
box-shadow: var(--mat-sys-level1)
box-shadow: var(--mat-sys-level2)
box-shadow: var(--mat-sys-level3)
box-shadow: var(--mat-sys-level4)
box-shadow: var(--mat-sys-level5)


The mat.theme-overrides mixin can be included to emit different definitions for the system variables and override the definitions emitted from mat.theme.

This example container has several system variables overridden by including the following Sass code:
  @include mat.theme-overrides((
    primary: #ebdcff,
    on-primary: #230f46,
    body-medium: 500 1.15rem/1.3rem Arial,
    corner-large: 32px,
    level3: 0 4px 6px 1px var(--mat-sys-surface-dim),